Our Blessings

Our Blessings

Thursday, December 12, 2013

3 Months With Our Miracle

On December 3rd we celebrated 3 months with our little miracle. We continue to see God's blessings in his life. Today we had two doctor appointments. The first was for Mac's Synagis shot. This is the shot to prevent him from getting RSV. Then we had another appointment with his cardiologist. These appointments are quite long. Today's visit was 3 hours! I will begin with our doctors appointment and then update you on a few other blessings that we have seen lately with our little man.

Last week the cardiologist did a 24 hour EKG. Today we found out that the results of this EKG were NORMAL!!! Something normal is hard to come by these days, so we are very excited about this news. We had seen several symptoms that could have meant that there were changes taking place in his heart. He did not have any incidences of tachycardia or irregular rhythms of the heart. He also had another echo of his heart today which showed no changes. Dr. Horne told me that if we see changes they would be gradual and we are to continue to just keep an eye on things to be sure we notice any changes that are taking place. We continue to track his feedings, output, weight, and oxygen saturations. We are also cutting back on one of his medications! That means that some days he will only have to take one med!!! Right now, he says we are doing exactly what we need to do. Mac is eating and gaining weight. He is growing stronger every day! God is blessing him so much!

Lately life at the Wilson house has begun to find a rhythm. Not our usual hustle and bustle, but a slow steady rhythm. Day by day we are finding our new normal. Harlie is very happy at school. She is loving her days filled with learning and fun. She looks forward to horseback riding lessons and PE on Wednesday and Launch on Thursday. Those are the highlights of her week. She has found a new series of books that has her hooked. That girl is such a reader. She is becoming an even better big sister than we ever imagined. She is learning to comfort and soothe her baby brother instead of getting frustrated with him. She is an expert on making him smile and coo. She touches my heart with her prayers for Mac and all of our other <3 friends. She prays for each of them by name daily. Not to mention her excellent grades in school. I am so proud of the amazing little young lady that she has become.

Mac is growing and developing such a wonderful little personality. He is such a great baby. He is now sleeping 7 to 8 hours most nights. He is eating like a horse! The child that we thought would have to have a G-tube to get home is now taking as much as 5 ounces in some feeds. Last night he weighed in at 12 pounds 3 ounces. This is a huge accomplishment for a heart baby. So many of the children at MUSC end up leaving the hospital with a G-tube because they cannot consume enough nutrition orally and often have difficulty gaining weight. We give ALL thanks and praise to the Lord for the way that our son is growing and thriving here at home. I have enjoyed my days at home cuddling and talking with Mac. His smile lights up my soul. When I am feeling down and wondering how we will make it through all of this, I just look at him. His joyful spirit strengthens me. He is stronger than any of us. He as been through so much, but he knows nothing of his struggles. He only knows that he is home with his Mommy, Daddy, and Big Sister who love him. He knows that he is warm and safe. He knows that all he has to do is cry and one of us will rescue him with a nice warm bottle, dry diaper, or snuggle. I am so blessed to be his mom. I am blessed to be able to hold him in my arms. I am blessed to know that he is God's child, and He somehow loves him even more than I do.

As you pray for our precious boy we ask you to help us pray for these specific things.
1. Mac's continued growth and success at feeding here at home.
2. A miraculous healing of his heart or that he will be able to have a full repair instead of the other surgeries. We do not want to bypass the left side of his heart if at all possible. God put it there for a reason. We believe that it was so Mac could have normal heart function.
3. The doctors will be able to see all of the details they need during his heart cath in March.
4. Wisdom and discernment for doctors in decision making as to where to go from here.

Thank you for your continued prayers. We love you all and pray that you have a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

Mac @ 3 Months Old

1 comment:

  1. Oh he is so beautiful!! I must say that his eyes are stunning:)

    Always praying, and Merry Christmas!!
